Saturday, February 25, 2012

Stuffed Peppers

Make the filling and keep it in the fridge to cook one pepper at a time as you are hungry for one or cook up a bunch of peppers at once for your whole dorm suite. There's also the option of skipping the pepper stuffing altogether and just eating the stuffing. I had some with crackers. It made my tummy happy.

- 1 Box Spanish Style Rice-A-Roni
- 1 Can of Diced Tomatoes(for the Rice-A-Roni)
- 1 lb ground beef or turkey
- 1 small onion(diced)
- 2 Bell Peppers(diced)- I like one red and one green but colors are up to you.
- 5 Cloves of Garlic(minced)
- As much hot sauce of your choice as you can handle.(I used about 6 good dashes of Cholula)
- Seasonings to your taste.(I used garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, pepper but no salt since there is plenty in the Rice-A-Roni seasonings packet)

~Pepper Stuffing Business
- Large bell pepper that can stand on it's own.
- Yellow Processed American Cheese(I used Kraft singles but cubed up Velveeta is great too)

1. Get your Rice-A-Roni started. Follow the directions on the box.

2. In another pot get your ground up meat of choice browning and slice up your onion, peppers, and garlic. Toss the vegetables into the meat pan as soon as they are diced up. Add your hot sauce and seasonings.

3. Once your Rice-A-Roni is cooked(takes about 15 minutes) preheat your oven to 350*F.
4. In whichever pot is bigger, mix together your Rice-A-Roni and meat/veggie mix.
5. Decide how many peppers you are going to make and clean them out. Cut a hole in the top and pop out the center seeded mass of crap. With a spoon scrap out the spongy white-ish webbing and the rest of the seeds. To get the rest of the seeds out it may be easier to just rinse it out in your sink.

6. Set pepper(s) onto some tray or other baking safe platform to cook your peppers on. Lets make some lasagna. Start with a couple of pieces of cheese in the bottom and add a scoop of meaty rice goodness. Repeat. Add a couple more pieces of cheese, ricey meaty goodness and repeat. Again. Again. Oh yeah. Again. Full? Sweet.

7. Put your pepper(s)in the oven for an hour. Don't do what I did and pick at the extra filling until the peppers come out. I was too full to eat my peppers. Bad life decisions, don't make them.

8. At about 50 minutes check your peppers to see how brown they are on top, they may come out earlier if they look toasty good.

9. Plate it up! I decided to eat mine in a bowl cause its really juicy. I might suggest a piece of toast to sop up the goodness.

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