Monday, February 27, 2012

Jordan's Favorite- Tomato Basil Soup with Mozzarella

My former roommate Jordan requested this recipe. This being her birthday and me not being anywhere near her now, here is my online present. Sorry you're not here to enjoy it. Make it yourself and do your own dishes, deserter. (love you!) This is a tomato, basil and, wait for it, red wine soup and when served hot you drop mozzarella cubes or balls so they melt and get all yummy in the broth.

- 1 Cup Red Wine
- Handful of Basil
- 1 Small Onion
- 6-7 Garlic Cloves
- 2 TBS Chicken and Tomato Bouillon
- 2 Cans of Italian Seasoned Diced or Stewed Tomatoes
- 4 Cups of water
- 2 TBS Olive Oil
- S&P

1. Lets get those onions going. Quarter your onion and then thinly slice it up. Get your sauce pan(soup pot) hot. Coat the pan with olive oil and toss your onions in quickly so your oil doesn't burn. Salt and pepper your onions and put on medium high heat to let them start to caramelize down.

2. While the onions are getting golden, mince your garlic and add it it.

3. When everything is golden caramel brown and you see some crust on the bottom of the pan you are going to pour in your wine to deglaze it. Let the wine start to boil off so the alcohol can be removed.
4. While that's boiling mix your bouillon in 2 cups of water and pop it in the microwave for a minute. This will help the seasonings dissolve in the water before pouring it into the soup.
5. Add your tomatoes one can at a time. Between adding cans let the pot come back to a boil before adding the next ingredient.

6. Pour in the broth you mixed up and let things start to meld together and let those flavors get yummy.
7. Grab a hand full of basil, but not all of it, and chiffonade the leaves. Toss them in the pot. Save a few leaves to garnish your soup at the end.

8. If your Mozzarella needs to be sliced up now is the time to do it, assuming you bought one large ball and not a container of small bite sized balls. Make it into bite sized chunks.

9. Taste your soup and if you think its flavors have melded well, go ahead and serve it up. If not leave it for another 10 minutes or so.
10. Pour your soup into a bowl, drop your mozzarella on top, add a sprig of basil, impress your friends.

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