Saturday, February 11, 2012

Apple Carrot Stoup(Vegan)

Holy goblin shark Batman, it's Elephant Garlic!

Looking for a healthy tasty way to get some vitamins in rather than taking a pill every morning? This is packed full of, well you guessed it, apples and carrots. Just what your momma told you to eat, but this time you'll actually want to finish it off. It may sound like bunny food but this stoup is bomb. BTW stoup= thick soup/thin stew.

- 4 cups diced carrots
- 2.5 cups diced apples
- 2 large shallots or 1 small onion
- 1 clove elephant garlic or 2 cloves regular garlic
- 2 14.5oz cans of vegetable stock
- 20-25 leaves of fresh sage(optional)
- 2 bay leaves(optional)
- Pinch each of S&P
- Wee bit of olive oil

1. Peel your apples, carrots, onion/shallots, and garlic and.... LETS CHOP! Dice(mini-cube) these as small as you can get without totally mincing them.

2. In your hot pot drizzle a little bit of olive oil and toss in your onions/shallots and garlic. Keep stirring! Turn the heat down to medium after about 2 minutes so you don't burn the food. You don't have to stir as often on a lower heat since the food isn't as likely to stick to the bottom of the pot. You are going to work on caramelizing the onions to bring out the sweetness of them. They should start looking more yellow/brown and start breaking down. ALSO this is when you would want to S&P your food, the salt draws the water out of the onions and helps them caramelize better.

3. Toss in your apples to let them get sweet while the heat draws the sugar out.

4. Work in the carrots and saute them with all the yummy flavors.

5. While these heat up in the pot slice up your sage. This works best if you chiffonade the leaves meaning you roll them up like taquito and slice horizontally so you get these lil spirals of sage. After chiffonading cut across the spirals for a smaller chop on the sage.

6. Pour in your vegetable stock and bring to a boil. QUICK TIP: Avoid being sick! Wash the top of your cans before using the can opener so you don't get dust and other nasty business in your food. Feel free to toss in your sage and a bay leaf at any time once the liquid is added.

7. Let the ingredients sit at a low boil for about 20 minutes. Oh hey! Theres some free time to either watch paint dry or do some dishes so you dont have to do them when you get a food coma after dinner.

8. Once your carrots are squishy take the pot off the heated burner and let the soup cool down for 5-10 minutes.

9. The soup is now safe to blend without the risk of it splashing back out of the blender and making you look like two face. Find the bay leaf and take it out. Do it. I'm not kidding. Your tongue will be sad if you forget this step.

10. Fill your blender about half way and puree the soup. Keep pureeing in this amount until all of the soup in the pot is done. If it is not the consistency you like go ahead and add some water little by little to thin it out but remember the more water you add the more flavor you lose. Feel free to put the puree back on the stove to heat it back up again(in the pot, not the blender).

11. Pour into bowl. Add toast.

12. Ingest soup. Brag to yo momma you ate veggies. Receive praise.

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